IH Stainless Steel Chemical Pump

Structural Features:

The pump cover is fixed on the middle bracket by a stop, and then the pump cover is clamped in the middle by the connection between the pump body and the middle bracket stop. The pump body is axially suctioned and radially discharged, foot-supported, and can be directly fixed on the base. The suspension components are fixed on the middle bracket by stops and supported on the base by suspension brackets. For easy disassembly, an extended coupling is designed so that during maintenance, the inlet and outlet connection pipelines, pump body, and motor do not need to be disassembled. Only the middle coupling of the coupling needs to be removed to withdraw the rotor components for maintenance. This is a common structural form used in various industries.

Product Application:

Widely used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, power, food, environmental protection, smelting, mining, papermaking, oil tanker unloading, chemical fiber synthesis, etc., using wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant hard alloy mechanical seals.

Performance Range of IH Stainless Steel Chemical Pump:

Flow Rate (Q): 6.3~400m3/h

Head (H): 5~132m

Speed (n): 2900, 1450r/min

Matching Power: 0.55~110KW

Inlet Diameter: 50~200mm

High Working Pressure: 1.6Mpa

The IH chemical pump has 29 basic types, of which 22 are dual-speed (2900, 1450r/min). After the impeller diameter is cut and transformed into two types, A and B, it reaches 112 specifications.

Performance Parameter Table:

Model Speed Traffic (m3/h) Traffic (L/S) Head (m) Efficiency (%) Shaft power (Kw) With power NPSH (m) Weight (kg)
Media density
1.0 1.35 1.85
IH50-32-125 2900 12.5 3.47 20 51 1.33 2.2 6.0 4.0 2.0 45
1450 6.3 1.74 5.0 45 0.19 0.55 0.55 0.55 2.0 45
IH50-32-160 2900 12.5 3.47 32 46 2.37 3.0 4.0 5.5 2.0 49
1450 6.3 1.74 8.0 40 0.34 0.55 0.75 1.1 2.0 49
IH50-32-200 2900 12.5 3.47 50 39 4.36 5.5 7.5 11 2.0 59
1450 6.3 1.74 12.5 33 0.65 1.1 1.1 1.5 2.0 59
IH50-32-250 2900 12.5 3.47 80 33 8.25 11 15 18.5 2.0 93
1450 6.3 1.74 20 27 1.27 2.2 2.2 3.0 2.0 93
IH65-50-125 2900 25 1.53 2.0 62 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 2.0 47
1450 12.5 6.94 5.0 55 0.31 0.55 0.55 0.75 2.0 47
IH65-50-160 2900 25 2.78 32 57 3.82 5.5 7.5 11 2.0 53
1450 12.5 6.94 8.0 51 0.53 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.0 53
IH65-40-200 2900 25 2.92 50 52 6.55 11 11 15 2.0 63
1450 12.5 6.94 12.5 46 0.93 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.0 63
IH65-40-250 2900 25 2.92 80 46 46 15 3.0 30 2.0 99
1450 12.5 6.94 20 39 39 2.2 37 4.0 2.0 99
IH65-40-315 2900 25 3.06 125 39 39 30 5.5 55 2.0 116
1450 12.5 6.94 32.0 33 33 5.5 5.5 7.5 2.0 116
IH80-65-125 2900 50 13.9 20 69 3.95 5.5 7.5 11 3.0 52
1450 25 6.94 5.0 64 0.53 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.5 52
IH80-65-160 2900 50 13.9 32 67 6.5 11 11 15 2.3 57
1450 25 6.94 8.0 62 0.88 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.3 57
IH80-50-200 2900 50 13.9 50 63 10.8 15 18.5 30 2.5 65
1450 25 6.94 12.5 54 0.83 1.1 1.5 2.2 2.0 65
IH80-50-250 2900 50 13.9 80 58 18.8 30 37 45 2.5 103
1450 25 6.94 20 52 2.62 4.0 5.5 7.5 2.0 103
IH80-50-315 2900 50 13.9 125 52 32.73 45 55 75 2.0 121
1450 25 6.94 32 48 4.54 7.5 7.5 11 2.0 121
IH100-80-125 2900 100 27.8 20 73 7.47 11 15 18.5 4.5 57
1450 50 13.9 5.0 68 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.5 57
IH100-80-160 2900 100 27.8 32 73 11.9 15 22 30 4.3 87
1450 50 13.9 8.0 69 1.58 2.2 3.0 4.0 3.4 87
IH100-65-200 2900 100 27.8 50 72 18.9 30 37 45 3.9 96
1450 50 13.9 12.5 68 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.5 2.5 96
IH100-65-250 2900 100 27.8 80 68 32.0 45 55 75 3.6 115
1450 50 13.9 20 63 4.3 5.5 7.5 11 2.5 115
IH100-65-315 , , 2900 100 55.6 125 62 54.9 75 90 132 3.2 166
1450 50 27.8 32 58 7.5 11 15 18.5 2.0 166
IH125-100-200 2900 200 50 77 35.4 45 55 90 5.0 99
1450 100 27.8 12.5 73 4.66 7.5 11 15 2.9 99
IH125-100-250 2900 200 55.6 80 75 58.1 11 110 132 4.5 151
1450 100 27.8 20 72 7.56 132 15 18.5 2.3 151
IH125-100-315 2900 200 55.6 125 72 94.56 18.5 160 220 4.5 166
1450 100 27.8 32 65 13.41 18.5 22 30 2.8 166
IH125-100-400 1450 100 27.8 50 55 14.74 18.5 30 37 2.5 211
IH50-125-250 1450 200 55.6 20 77 14.1 30 30 37 2.5 165
IH50-125-315 1450 200 55.6 32 75 23.2 30 37 55 2.8 196
IH50-125-400 1450 200 55.6 50 70 38.9 55 75 90 2.8 238
IH200-150-250 1450 400 111.1 20 77 28.3 37 55 75 2.5 195
IH200-150-315 1450 400 111 32 79 44.1 55 75 110 4.0 269
IH200-150-400 1450 400 111 50 78 39.8 90 132 160 3.5 290

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